? ??????????????Our Hearts on Thin Ice? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (2 Ratings)??357 Grabs Today. 9887 Total G
rabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Flashy Girly Girl? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (32 Ratings)??356 Grabs Today. 7960 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ??? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

BSE-II (2009-2010)

...............haLow!!!!!nice bA?

My third day in FS (Feb. 12, 2010)

............woooooooohhhhh!!!!!!!!!it's so hot jeje!!!!!!!!!..........

but, it was nice because I learned a lot from our cooperating teachers in Panikihan. I gain new techniques and strategies in teaching. It was very nice of having that kind of experience in observing because you can really learn.

kuya raymund and jeza went to our house.


Sunday, February 7, 2010


T- trust
E- encourage
A- acceptance
C- convince
H- honor
E- entertainment
R- render your talents

(I got this from one of our facilitators in our recollection - February 6, 2010)

My second FS(Feb.5)

.......woOoOh!!!!I was a very tired that day because we observed for one whole day. But, it was great because I learned new topics and I got new strategies in teaching students. I got new quotations and wisdom words.


Friday, February 5, 2010

My 1st day in FS

January 29, 2010 was my first day in FS at Panikihan National High School. It was a very nice start because I enjoy listening to the discussion of the teacher I have observed. I learn a lot and I can also recall all the lessons that I had taken when I was in high school. the teachers are very caring and they welcome us heartfully. Many students are very smart and actively participating in the discussion. I am glad that I have given a chance to observe them.

"joyfulness fills my mind"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


.........one day!i saw children playing "patintero" i remember my younger years. I was very happy watching them while playing. I didn't experience it because my mother don't want me to play outside. But, God is really good because he gave me my cousins which serves as my playmates also. Although i played with them during my high school years, it is an unforgetable moment for that times.......

Lesson: don't expect too much while you were young, but instead think of what will happen to you for the next year. Because God will not let you experience those things without good and best purpose for you.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

pRomisE and gOaL

"whEn wE pLan to dO somEthinG, wE Limit our pRomisE to thE pOsSibLe, bUt whEn wE sEt uP a gOal, wE must Aim hiGh."
